
Legal Notice

In accordance with the established in the article 10 of the law 34/2002, of the 11th of July, and the Servicios de la Sociedad de la Información y Comercio Electrónico (LSICCE), we hereby inform that this site https://cronotempvscollectors.com is the property of CRONOTEMPVS, S.L., of which its data is:

CRONOTEMPVS, S.L.: inscribed in the registry of Madrid Tome 26510, Book 0, Folio 1, Section 8, Page M-477685, Inscription 1ª, CIF B85632180, address c/ Cronos, 26, Bl. 2, Esc. 4, Piso 1-D-3, 28037 Madrid, email: info@cronotempvs.com.